Sunday, June 10, 2012


Howdy everyone. Figured I'd give all of you a few updates on what all has been going on over here.

As many of you have been expecting, some things have recently come up with all of us that have temporarily gotten in the way of shooting/editing new MH entries. Tim started his summer classes a while ago, so that, mixed with his job has been rough to schedule around. He's going into the same major that I had though, which is pretty awesome. Joseph has been getting more music gigs that have made him need to be away more, too. As for me, my brother is getting married this Saturday, so I've been running back and fourth a lot from my house to my mom's helping out with all of that.

Anyway, all of that being said, we'll be getting back to shooting very very soon. All three of us are meeting up later tonight to plan everything out for the week. I'm aiming to get things shot either tomorrow or Tuesday, even though that's looking less and less likely today due to the crazy amount of storms Alabama has been getting. Regardless, shooting at some point this week is imperative. If it's soon enough, I'm going to attempt to marathon edit it all before I have to be back for the wedding. If that doesn't happen, I can guarantee you new stuff the following week.

We understand things were left off on a bit of a cliffhanger, but we won't leave you guys hanging for too much longer. I hope it'll be worth the wait. One of the things I was very excited to shoot earlier is coming up soon, so stay tuned!


  1. will you confirm which entry it was after it's posted?

  2. Thanks for the heads up. You guys are awesome and I hope you can finish the series on your terms without regrets. ^_^

  3. Talk about a lot of stuff to be busy with. And congrats to your brother!

    Update us soon when everything is done and all.

  4. I know some people might rage at it, but perhaps you should consider taking more time off and get a few different videos made. That way you can have Entries/tothearks you can upload over the course of a month or two and have a lot more time to work on new ones in-between.

    It might cost you a longer gap than you'd want, but I think the fanbase would be much more pleased to have you take that sacrifice now and have a more consistent schedule for the rest of the season.

    Just my two cents, and congrats to your brother and I hope he has a happy, successful, life-long marriage.

  5. Take whatever time you need, better to get a few good quality videos then none at all, and I think the rest of the fans of Marble Hornets will agree.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. It's okay, I understand life takes priority. My headcanon is that Jay has been calming his frayed nerves and beating the heat that is undoubtedly making things unbearable in Alabama by downing as many slushies as humanly possible. Assuming that he can afford that many...

  8. I dreamt about Marble Hornets last night. So, thanks for messing up my dreams. :D Until now it has "only" managed to creep me out while I was awake, and on occasion simply stop me from sleeping, but this is kinda fun too. I haven't had a scary dream in a while...
