Now that MH has wrapped up, I won't be posting on here a whole lot about it anymore. We're working on figuring out how we want to do an overall THAC blog, where we can post updates on what all we're doing. The program we use for the store has some pretty alright blogging features built into it, so if we don't find anything better we'll just stick with that.
But until then, and so that this update isn't totally devoid of actual updates, here's some stuff we're currently working on:
- Testing out adding a forum onto the THAC website
- New THAC Charity items on the store
- Assembling the MH Season 3 DVD
- Working on a new DOS-O-RAMA, Earth & You, and THAC Short.
- More preliminary work on the super secret next series.
Busy as usual, which is great!
Anyway, I'll keep this blog around for more personal stuff now, I guess? I never really have much to say about myself, but I'll try.
In about 4 more months I'll have a daughter flopping around the place, which is totally crazy. I can't imagine I'll have a whole lot of free time once that happens, but I'm pretty okay with that. The only thing I'm worried about is whether or not I'll make enough off of all this to support her properly. It's looking alright for the time being, but this line of work isn't exactly known for its consistency. Getting another job on the side wouldn't be the end of the world, I just love being able to devote all my productivity to what I do now.
Oh well, worrying is dumb. I'll try not to neglect this blog anymore. Thanks to everyone that reminded me I still have it!
Oh well, worrying is dumb. I'll try not to neglect this blog anymore. Thanks to everyone that reminded me I still have it!