Thursday, May 16, 2013

"Can we go on a Nic Cage safari?"

Two fun things coming up for us soon. Early Saturday morning the three of us will be hopping on a plane to fly out to lovely Los Angeles for super top secret things that probably involve movies and definitely involves jet lag.  The farthest west I've ever been up until now is Phoenix, so this will be a whole new ordeal for me. Our hotel is a couple of blocks down from places like the Chinese Theater so we'll probably just be kitsch absorbing tourists on our down time, but if any of you have suggestions on stuff to do around that area, let me know! I'll probably be tweeting everything that I'm able to share while we're out there, so if you're down with that, keep an eye on my twitter. Tim and Joseph will likely be doing the same.

Second thing, the very next weekend, we'll be at the Alabama Phoenix Festival in Birmingham with a booth selling shirts and DVDs. We'll also be doing a live commentary and Q&A on Saturday at 8pm in Room 3, and a round table discussion on webseries on Sunday at 1pm in the same room. If you happened to miss us at Kami-Con a few months ago, here's another chance! Also Ernie Hudson is going to be there, which is totally awesome.

Speaking of conventions and totally awesome, don't forget that we'll also be at Connecticon in July! I can't remember if I mentioned that on here or not, but I'm too lazy right now to click the back button to check on it. I'll share more specific info on panels and stuff that we're doing once a few more details have been ironed out. Can't wait to see all you northerner city slickers there. *spittoon*

Hopefully we can find time to squeeze in shooting another entry between all this stuff. Maybe we should just do it in LA and hope no one notices....

I mean it looks almost exactly like Alabama anyway.