Really happy with the reception of MH Entry #61. Tim is one dedicated dude, and really wanted to get the "fit" he went into to exactly how he wanted. He asked for playback after nearly every single take to make sure it was exactly right. Time consuming? Very. But if it made the final video better, I was more than happy to oblige.
SPEAKING OF WHICH. The next entry will have a bit longer of a wait on it than what we initially anticipated. I've been gone since early Wednesday on a freelance shoot in Jacksonville, FL that I won't be back from until Saturday afternoon. We were aiming to shoot the next entry right after 61 was posted and have it ready to go right before I left, but decided on a few rewrites on what we had written for it a while back, which led to the schedule being shifted forward. We went out to the location a few times before I left and got some test footage that I think looks very good. We just needed a bit more time to plan things out before going forward with shooting it for real, but I'm confident it'll make everything better, and hopefully worth the wait! We'll get right back to shooting as soon as I get home. No date as of yet on the next entry, but it won't be long!