Sunday, December 23, 2012

Too quiet

No doubt a lot of you have noticed a little too much radio silence over on the MH channel lately. Trust me when I say that we're working on new stuff, and that it'll be ready relatively soon! Marble Hornets isn't over, I promise! We've got a ways to go yet!

Doing the writing for Slender: The Arrival ended up taking a bit more time than I originally estimated it would. Lots of idea bouncing between us and the developers, which is great. Having more fresh perspectives does wonders for getting the right ideas right, and getting rid of ideas that are actually kind of stupid. They were cool enough to continuously send us up to date alphas to play though and build things around. It's probably an unconventional way to do things like this, but hey, whatever works. I'm pretty confident in the writing now, and just submitted what is hopefully the final version of the script a few days ago. There's still a few things here and there that need some tweaking, but by and large, our work with the game is finishing up. It was a fantastic experience that I would gladly do again. Hope you sweetie pies enjoy it.
(Wanna see a trailer? There's one right over here fresh out of the oven)

Now that that's wrapping up (I guess that's a Christmas joke), it's time to get back to focusing full time on the next MH entry. It was nice to kind of step away from it for a bit to work on something different, and something that I personally needed. Writing for Slender helped with the slight burn out I had been feeling since finishing all the crazy intensive work on Entry #65. The trade off, of course, being that it's caused a longer wait than any of us were expecting on new MH content. So for that aspect, I apologize. BUT, we're back in the saddle, and are planning shoots as soon as we're all back from our Christmas family fun time, so sit tight for just a little longer!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

And one other thing

It's official now. Me, Joseph, and Tim are all on board to do the writing for the upcoming game Slender: The Arrival, which is the remake/sequel to the super neato, massively popular Slender: The Eight Pages that was released by our pal Mark Hadley a while back.

The Arrival is being jointly developed by Mark and Blue Isle Studios, and we're totally amped to be involved now too. You can read the official press release from Blue Isle Studios here.

As usual with these announcement type things, I'll go ahead and answer some questions I've gotten about it so far:

Q: Does this mean Marble Hornets will go on hold while you do this?
A: Nope. Marble Hornets will still be going on. Whenever we're not doing that though, our attention will be completely on The Arrival. It's pretty good timing for me, because it gives me something to focus on while I wait for Joseph and Tim to finish up their classes for the semester!

Q: Will The Arrival tie into the Marble Hornets storyline at all?
A: As awesome as it would be to have a Marble Hornets game, The Arrival will be separate from the MH storyline.

Q: What do you know about the game? Tell meeeee.
A: I'm not at liberty to say anything about the game that isn't already known. Rest assured though, it's going to be a good deal deeper than what you experienced with The Eight Pages.

Q: What's the release date?
A: Early 2013 is as concrete as it gets at the moment. Keep an eye on the official website, as well as Blue Isle Studio's twitter and Mark Hadley's twitter for updates. I'll be doing my best to pass everything along to all of you as well.

If you dudes have any more questions, let me know in the comments down below! I'll be sure to answer whatever you have as best as I can.

Hope all of you are as excited for this thing as we are. We're definitely feeling the pressure to get the writing aspect right to help the game be as immersive and spooky as possible. The developers are also working hard to make sure you'll be looking over your shoulder and getting all jittery the entire time you're playing, and from what I've seen and heard so far about it, they're doing an excellent job.

Monday, December 3, 2012

A few things

So Entry #65 was lots of fun to shoot, despite how long it took to actually get it all shot. It was basically the time for us to think up all kinds of weird things to try and get with our chestcam during the "nightmare" portion in the beginning of the entry. While we were brainstorming stuff to shoot, nothing was really off limits. There were a ton of shots listed that were completely crazy to try, most of which we actually went out and got. Unfortunately, we couldn't use all of them, for the sake of keeping the entry at a slightly more reasonable length.  I don't want some of the cooler stuff to go to waste, so I'm thinking I may include an "extended cut" version of it on a magical disc that can be read by lasers that may or may not be happening once season 3 is finished up.

Progress on Entry #66 is going slowly but surely. It's going to be another fairly involved shoot, similar to 65, but I'm hoping we can get it done faster this time. It's nearly finals week for both Tim and Joseph at school, so we're having to work around all of that. I'd prefer MH to not cause them to flunk out of school or something.

Speaking of which, I spent a good bit of last week helping out with Tim's final project for his film class. I don't want to talk too much about it since it's not mine to talk about, but here's something from it that you've probably already seen:

It was so strange only being in front of the camera for a change, and not having to worry about editing and setting up shots. It was almost relaxing. Tim and his team were really really good and getting stuff done, and I'm glad they wanted my stupid face to be in it. I've been told the finished product will be going up on Youtube, so keep an eye out for that, dudes. Tim will no doubt keep all of you updated.

That's all I got for now. Well, there is one more thing, but I'll fill all of you in on it tomorrow. WHAT COULD IT BEEEEEE.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Post GMX V.2

This year's GMX somehow managed to be even more crazy and amazing than last year's! That's not to say last year wasn't absolutely awesome, because it totally was. We were just much more prepared this time and were able to see even more new faces along with the wonderful returning ones from last year! You're all so great and I couldn't ask for a better group of people.

My highlights of the show:

-The charity auction this year blew me away. Huge thanks to Devin for buying our mask for $175!!! Also huge thanks to everyone who pitched in money to buy us at the slave auction for $200!!! I'm so glad we were able to raise so much money for Out of the Darkness. All of us and GMX personally thank you. You're all perfect.

-Celebrity D&D with the three of us and Veronica Belmont, along with Jamie Chambers and Robert J. Schwalb! Honestly, I was really afraid this would end up not reaching its potential due to only being allotted an hour's time. But Robert Schwalb, who was our DM, was such a damn pro that we were up and running in a minute or two. He was also great about going along with all of our reckless and stupid ideas. Well, mainly Joseph's reckless and stupid ideas. It ended up being a ton of fun, and considering it was mine, Joseph, and Tim's 2nd game ever of D&D, it'll be difficult to top.

-The MH Q&A panel had a great turnout! I just wish we had more time to answer all of your questions. I hope the ones we were able to get to were given satisfying answers. Brian said he felt like a princess.

-Lots of people also seemed to like our sleepy season 2 live commentary pajama party. All of us were dead tired since all of our other panels were Saturday as well, but it was a lot of fun to just hang out with all of you for a while as we made sleep deprived jokes. We're also glad we were able to show you that extra special surprise at the end of the commentary too. Thanks for sticking around, everyone!

-Chatted with Ellen Mclain again at her table and she totally remembered us! She's seriously one of the the sweetest people I've ever met, and it was an honor to see and talk with her again. We were sad that her panel was at the same time as our Q&A panel because we wanted to go so bad.

-Rob Paulsen talked with Tim and I up in the green room Friday night. He's a really supportive guy and gave Tim some great encouragement about voice acting.

-Card Against Humanity in the green room with Ben Paddon was hilarious. We ate dinner with him and lots of other people Saturday night as well. I'm pretty sure he has limitless energy.

Tons of more great stuff happened throughout the weekend but my brain is kind of still whirling around trying to make sense of it all. Regardless, I want to thank each and every one of you who came out to GMX this year. It's a perfectly sized con run by really passionate folks that aren't in it for the money, and that's something that's unfortunately rare. So big gigantic huge awesome thanks to all of you.

Oh yeah, and new MH entries coming soon.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Last second GMX update

Forgot to mention this in the previous GMX post, but we will also be participating in the Orion Slave Auction on Saturday from 10am to 1pm in the Palomino-Quarter Horse-Mustang room.

We will be auctioning off a one of a kind "Masky" mask, hand made by the same person that made the original used in Marble Hornets! It has been initialed on the inside by her, and can be signed by the rest of us at your request. Tim will also put it on his face and do a spooky dance if you're into that kind of thing.

We will also be auctioning off Breakfast/Lunch with all of us for Sunday morning/afternoon. And yeah, if you win we'll buy your food!

All of the money raised at the auction will go to Out of the Darkness walks, so please come out and bid on some stuff! If you don't want to stay for the entire three hour duration of the auction, there will be more specific times for each item/person that we'll know tomorrow. Keep an eye on my Twitter for the times the mask (and also us) will be up for auction, as well as other updates of questionable importance. Times will also be on display at our booth location.

Alright, I think that's everything. You dudes ready for this? See you there!

Monday, October 22, 2012


It's this weekend, dudes. Hope to see a lot of you there!

Here's our schedule of stuff:

Opening Ceremony
Friday 7pm-8pm
Champion Ballroom
-We'll try our best to be just as awkward as last year when we're introduced.

Orion Slave Auction

Celebrity D&D:
Saturday 2pm-3pm
Palomino-Quarter Horse-Mustang
-Us and some actual famous folk will try to cram in as much swording and sorcering into one hour as possible. This will be the second time we've ever played D&D, by the way. I'm hoping for a beautiful train wreck.

Marble Hornets Q&A
Saturday 4pm-5pm
Palomino-Quarter Horse-Mustang
-Come ask Tim, Joseph, and I what our favorite colors are and then watch us argue about which breakfast cereal is the best. I'm not kidding, that will probably happen.

Season 2 Live Commentary
Sunday 1am-3am (!!!)
-Listen as we desperately try to remember funny things about shooting season 2 off the top of our heads. This was totally awesome last year because we packed the room they gave us and everyone was so rad. Let's do that again this year!

Full schedule here

Whenever we're not at one of the above things, you'll most likely be able to find us at our table in the dealer room. We'll be selling both season 1 and 2 DVDs as well as some shirts. As before, we'll sign anything you want, for exactly no dollars.

Also planning on having a few props from Marble Hornets on display at the table as well. Like a certain mask and a certain doll, maybe. Stop by and see!

And finally, we're going to have an extra special guest there with us too. Who could it be? I'M NOT TELLING.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Moving along

Met up with Tim a few nights ago to do a little bit more writing for MH. We focused mainly on the ending this time and then worked our way backwards to where we are now, refining things that were already written and making connections. It's all coming together slowly but surely. We made some really great progress and added a few more plot points that I can't wait to show all of you. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately? I dunno), it's fairly far off. I'm all antsy now!

We shot some footage for Entry #63 yesterday too. We've been having a few issues with it here and there. That, coupled with some rewrites to it, has made the wait for it (again) longer than we anticipated. But it'll be ready to go very soon! After that, we'll be right back into shooting Entry #64. We hit this little speedbump every season, it seems. Things like school and work and other things all coalesce into one annoying blob of impediment. But I think we're at long last getting over it.

Tim and I went to Dragoncon in Atlanta a few weeks ago and ran into some MH fans a good number of times. We even saw a handful of folks cosplaying as "Masky" and "Hoody"! Seeing stuff like that is still mind blowing to me, but I'm so happy to be making something that people like enough to do that for.

Also we met and pseudo-hung-out with George Lowe, the guy that did the voice of Space Ghost on Cartoon Planet and Space Ghost Coast to Coast. I got possibly the greatest autograph ever out of him.

No, thank YOU.

We also snuck into Mindcrack extraordinare Guude's video of the con (around the 1:38 mark). We somehow pulled off co-op air quotes in it. We didn't even plan on that. I'm so proud. Also the background matches our shirts. How does that happen.

So yeah, I'm leaving out like a ton of other things that we did there to keep this from sounding like "What I did on my summer vacation". Needless to say it was lots of exhausting fun. I see it as a kind of a warm up for GMX at the end of October, to get us in the con-mindset. Speaking of which, are you coming to that? I'd give you such a high five if you did.

We're planning on making another promo video for it too, by the way. Similar to what we did last year, but maybe even more stupid. It's hard to tell with these types of things. It should be on the internet at some point in early October.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that Entry #63 is coming soon.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hold Up

Really happy with the reception of MH Entry #61. Tim is one dedicated dude, and really wanted to get the "fit" he went into to exactly how he wanted. He asked for playback after nearly every single take to make sure it was exactly right. Time consuming? Very. But if it made the final video better, I was more than happy to oblige.

SPEAKING OF WHICH. The next entry will have a bit longer of a wait on it than what we initially anticipated. I've been gone since early Wednesday on a freelance shoot in Jacksonville, FL that I won't be back from until Saturday afternoon. We were aiming to shoot the next entry right after 61 was posted and have it ready to go right before I left, but decided on a few rewrites on what we had written for it a while back, which led to the schedule being shifted forward. We went out to the location a few times before I left and got some test footage that I think looks very good. We just needed a bit more time to plan things out before going forward with shooting it for real, but I'm confident it'll make everything better, and hopefully worth the wait! We'll get right back to shooting as soon as I get home. No date as of yet on the next entry, but it won't be long!

Monday, July 9, 2012


First of all, and I know I've said this multiple times in other places, thanks so much for all of the feedback (positive and negative) on Entry #60. It was a real challenge to shoot, but seeing such a big response to it has been completely amazing and really puts wind in our sails. I wish I could tell you everything about shooting it, but I don't think I can do it justice in this format. I guess it will have to wait for the DVD commentary, or when we get off on some kind of tangent the next time we do a livestream.

Oh by the way, speaking of doing livestreams.

I've been getting a ton of requests for us to stream a playthrough of Slender for all of you fine folks. While I'm sure it would be fun, Joseph, Tim, and I talked about it a few days ago and decided that it would be better if we didn't do so. Not because it's a bad or uninteresting game. On the contrary, I played it myself a few days ago and may or may not have removed my headphones after a certain entity suddenly appeared right in front of me. It's really cool that such a reaction can come from such a simple premise. I just feel that the magic of the game comes from playing it alone, completely immersed, and that a lot of that magic would probably be lost if you had to hear us goofing off while playing it. It's also not a particularly long game by design, so it'd end up being a pretty short event after we played it (and no doubt failed horribly) a few times. So we'll leave this one to you guys for the time being.

But hey, if you're itching to watch someone else play it, I'm sure Mr. Pewdiepie has you covered.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Howdy everyone. Figured I'd give all of you a few updates on what all has been going on over here.

As many of you have been expecting, some things have recently come up with all of us that have temporarily gotten in the way of shooting/editing new MH entries. Tim started his summer classes a while ago, so that, mixed with his job has been rough to schedule around. He's going into the same major that I had though, which is pretty awesome. Joseph has been getting more music gigs that have made him need to be away more, too. As for me, my brother is getting married this Saturday, so I've been running back and fourth a lot from my house to my mom's helping out with all of that.

Anyway, all of that being said, we'll be getting back to shooting very very soon. All three of us are meeting up later tonight to plan everything out for the week. I'm aiming to get things shot either tomorrow or Tuesday, even though that's looking less and less likely today due to the crazy amount of storms Alabama has been getting. Regardless, shooting at some point this week is imperative. If it's soon enough, I'm going to attempt to marathon edit it all before I have to be back for the wedding. If that doesn't happen, I can guarantee you new stuff the following week.

We understand things were left off on a bit of a cliffhanger, but we won't leave you guys hanging for too much longer. I hope it'll be worth the wait. One of the things I was very excited to shoot earlier is coming up soon, so stay tuned!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Report Time

Just noticed it's been about a month since my last update. Sorry about that. There's not a whole heck of a lot to report at the moment. We're currently in the thick of things right now, trying to shoot, edit, and post entries on a weekly basis is kind of what we've been aiming for with varying degrees of success, as you can probably tell.

Speaking of editing, after having another rendering incident similar to what happened at the end of last season, I finally did away with editing MH on Sony Vegas and shifted it over to Adobe Premiere. I've used it to edit everything outside of MH for years now, but didn't really know how to recreate some of the effects I had used in Vegas, so I was always a bit reluctant to make the move. But now, Entry #54 and on has been put together with it and it's been going much more smoothly. I think I was asking too much of Vegas, especially with the longer or more effects heavy entries, since I'm pretty sure it's barely considered prosumer software. So fingers crossed at no more fake outs with missing upload times.

We've shot a portion of the next entry already, and will probably be going out to finish it off early Tuesday or Wednesday morning. Despite the part where I have to roll out of bed at 6 in the morning (making sure Joseph is up is another matter entirely), I actually kind of prefer early morning shoots. The last one we did was Entry #51, I believe. It was very laid back, and nice and cool outside. I'd go so far as to say it was the most relaxing shoot we've ever done. Hopefully that trend will continue when we go out next.

Anyway, one last thing. Don't know if I've said this yet, and if I haven't it's long overdue, but I really want to thank all of you for supporting us by buying the DVDs. Sales continue to be steady, which is a huge HUGE morale boost for us over here. So thank you so much for enabling us to continue doing what we enjoy doing.

Be sure to high five your moms today too, by the way.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Quick Break

Now that Entry #55 has been posted, I just wanted to let everyone know that we'll be going on a short, week long break. I'm spending the first part of this week back in my hometown, helping my parents move out of their house. After that, I'm leaving for Panama City on Wednesday for some freelance work with a shoot going on down there (no, it's not with some MTV spring break thing, I promise). I'll be back in Alabama Saturday afternoon, hopefully we'll get back to shooting the next entry soon after that.

There's also a little something headed for the other channel that should be done pretty soon.

It's stupid, which should come as no surprise.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

One Last Beginning

Season 3 of Marble Hornets, the final one for real this time, has officially started. Keeping updates regular should be a little bit easier this time around. I'm finally done with school and Joseph has a really flexible work schedule. Tim, well, not so much, but at least we're not having to work around all three of our weird schedules for once.

We have some pretty awesome stuff lined up for this season. One entry in particular I'm incredibly anxious to have done because I love the idea so much. No details, of course, but I've got some high hopes.

In Season 2, we really tried to get a little more character development with Jay and Alex. Mostly for Jay, because I felt that he was really just a walking tripod in Season 1. I think we even referred to him as "The Gordon Freeman" back then or something. So for the final season, as you may have guessed by now, we're going to attempt to flesh out Tim a little more. Tim (the "real" Tim) has some pretty good acting chops, so I feel it would be kind of a waste to not give him the chance to speak (and to an extent, do) more. He's a dedicated guy, so I'm sure he can handle all the stuff that's coming.

Thanks for waiting through the break, everyone. It's good to be back.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

Announcement Time

Oh man. We're finally ready to go.

The Marble Hornet Season 2 DVDs will go on sale over on the website this Thursday, February 16. They will be the same price as the Season 1 DVD ($11.95 + S&H). We've been working on getting everything in order for it for the past couple of months, and are really pleased with how it looks.

Here's what's on it:
  • Entry #27-52 and all season 2 ToTheArk videos. Since this season was a lot longer than than the first, the entries now span both discs.
  • Full commentary by me, Joseph, and Tim. It's not as drunk as last time, so it's a bit more informative.
  • Blooper reel edited together by me this time. No duck quack.
  • Deleted version of Entry #37 with a quick introduction by Joseph and I. (The entry itself isn't canon)
  • Setting up the shot used in Entry #45 and the first kind of unorganized "rehearsal" of it.
  • The "foley work" of getting the flashlight-hitting-skull sound effect used in Entry #33. "Work" is used very lightly here.
  • A timelapse of one of the masks being made.
  • All the season 2 tweets.
  • And an extra special surprise that I may or may not have already mentioned on this blog.
(And to those wondering, the creator of this season's fantastic DVD art was the talented Mr. Keith Pickering. Go give him high fives!)

Along with the new DVDs, we've also got another little something going on sale Thursday.

We were always kind of on the fence about printing MH tshirts. However, there's been a huge number of requests for them, and we didn't want to keep refusing them forever if it's something people actually want. Now that we've had some time to warm up to it, we're ready to have them available.

We wanted to keep them as minimalist as possible in their design, so the print is only on the front of the shirt. They feel similar to American Apparel, so they're very comfy. They'll be priced at $12.95 + S&H. And the sizes available are small through extra large.

There will also be the choice of a package deal if you want, with both the season 1 and 2 DVDs as well as one of the shirt designs for $32.95 + S&H.

And that basically wraps it up. Thank you so much for any purchases you decide to make, as it helps us fund season 3 and all the other stuff we're working on! And if you don't want to buy anything, that's cool too, just watching the things we do is plenty of support to keep us going!

Saturday, February 4, 2012


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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Kami-Con goings-on

While we will be wandering around Kami Con all weekend, we're only scheduled to do one panel, and that will be tomorrow night at 11pm in the Forum Room, which is upstairs in the Ferguson Center at UA. We'll keep things laid back and just kind of chat for an hour about how we make Marble Hornets and stuff we've learned along the way, time permitting we'll also do a general Q&A. If you're thinking of coming, please do. Tim will let you touch his face or something probably.

After that, we'll be around for the rest of the weekend either at our booth signing stuff and selling season 1 DVDs, or going to the other neato panels, especially anything involving our little sweetie pie Little Kuriboh.

To see all the other stuff going on, here's the full schedule. See you there!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

DVD and Season 3

We got what was essentially the first draft of the Season 2 DVD in the mail last week. For the first attempt, it wasn't bad at all.

We totally nailed the box art though. Don't change a thing.

There were a few problems with the overall video quality that needed to be fixed, and the audio commentary slowly got out of sync with the video, with it being nearly a full minute off at the end of it all. We also wanted to tweak the menus a little bit. I can't really get any more specific without spoiling exactly what it's going to look like, but I can say with confidence that the overall quality is much better than the previous DVD. Fixing the video quality took a little longer than expected so we're getting the next evaluation copy tomorrow. Hopefully everything will be good to greenlight for printing!

Joseph, Tim, and I are writing a little bit of Season 3 every day. It's pretty tough to try and tie things together for the final season, but we're slowly getting it all organized. From what we have so far, it's looking to be merging the found-footage style of Season 1 with the detective style of Season 2. Can't wait to get started on it!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Next of Con

Sorry this is kind of last minute. We literally found out about it yesterday, but we'll be attending Kami-Con in our own quaint little town of Tuscaloosa, AL from February 3rd to the 5th, so if you missed us at GMX, there's another chance! We haven't decided what kind of panel we'll be doing yet, but it will most likely be a laid back Q&A like the ones we did at GMX in October. I'm pretty sure we'll also have a booth to sell Season 1 DVDs. I do know that we'll be seeing our buddy Little Kuriboh, of Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged (and Concrete Giraffes) fame, for his birthday bash on the 3rd! We'll give him hugs and tickles and you can too.

More info as we get it.